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Ending an Overpass Contract

Quick guide to removing a contractor from your workspace

Garrett Williams avatar
Written by Garrett Williams
Updated over a week ago

We've designed Overpass to be flexible; when you no longer require a contractor's services, you can end any contract without penalty. Read on to learn about best practices for cancelling a contract.

Table of Contents / Quick Links:

Notify Your Contractor

Before you officially end a contract, we ask that you notify your contractor, and give them as much advance notice as possible. Please treat them with the same respect you would give to any in-person employee, and clearly explain when their last expected shift will be.

This is also a great time to offer constructive feedback, if applicable. Let them know what they did well, and what they might have done better.

Please note that whenever a contract ends, you will still be invoiced for any hours worked during their last payment period. In most cases, this means that you will have one final payment for each contractor after they have been let go.

Ending a Contract

When you're ready to officially end a contract, select Workforce from the banner options.

http://Image of Overpass dashboard banner links -- "Workforce" link highlighted in yellow.

The Workforce page displays your current team. Find the contractor who you're letting go, and select Manage Contract.

Overpass "Workforce" page, orange arrow pointing to "Manage Contract" button.

When the Manage Contract window opens, scroll to the bottom of this screen, then select Cancel Contract.

Rate & Review

Immediately following the end of a contract, we'll ask you a few brief questions.

First, please indicate why the contract was ended. This will not be shown to the contractor, this information simply helps us match you with more appropriate candidates in the future. Please be as honest and accurate as possible.

Radio buttons showing selectable options for why a contract was cancelled.

Next, you'll be asked to provide both a numerical rating and written feedback for this contractor.

Star rating and feedback text box, shown to clients after a contract is cancelled.

Star Rating

First, provide an overall rating for the contractor's performance, from 1 star (worst) to 5 stars (best). For platform consistency, please choose the option that best matches the descriptions below:

  • 1 Star: Unacceptable - The contractor was extremely unprofessional or unresponsive.

  • 2 Stars: Needs Improvement - The contractor acted unprofessionally and did not communicate clearly. The contractor’s skills were subpar.

  • 3 Stars: Meets Expectations - The contractor was mostly communicative, with occasional lapses. The contractor's skills met expectations.

  • 4 Stars: Exceeds Expectations - The contractor was generally professional, communicative, and responsive. The contractor’s skills met or occasionally exceeded expectations.

  • 5 Stars: Outstanding - The contractor was consistently professional, communicative, and responsive. The contractor’s skills completely met or exceeded expectations.

Please note: If this contractor did not actually work for you due to circumstances beyond their control (for example, if you needed to unexpectedly downsize before they could get started), please give the contractor 5 Stars. Contractors take great pride in their ratings, and should not be penalized for situations they cannot control.

Written Feedback

In addition to the star rating, please provide a brief written description (1-3 sentences) of this contractor's performance while on your team.

This feedback will appear on the contractor's public profile, so while you do want you to be honest and accurate, please also be concise and professional.

Honest feedback will help other clients find the best contractors for their needs, and help our most talented contractors find other suitable positions.

Fill Your Vacant Seat -- Or Cancel It

Each contractor seat is prepaid for the month. When a contract ends mid-month, you now have a vacant seat, and are able to fill that seat with a new contractor without incurring any additional fees.

Whenever you have a vacant seat in your Workforce, your next hire will automatically be moved into that seat. To find a replacement candidate, click back to the Marketplace to look for new candidates, or reach out to your Overpass Growth Consultant for help!

On the other hand, if you'd like to downsize your team, you are also welcome to Cancel a vacant seat. Just look for the Cancel Seat option that appears on any vacant seat within your Workforce page:

Image of two vacant seats on the Workforce page, with "Cancel Seat" option highlighted in yellow.

Please remember that your seat is prepaid for the month, and seats are billed on the first of the month. So, if you're not quite sure whether or not you're ready to re-hire yet, it's best to leave the seat open until the very end of the month, to leave your options open.

(For example, if you have a single vacant seat on the 5th of the month, and choose to cancel it, but then you decide to hire again on the 10th, you'll essentially have paid double.)

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I cancel a contract?

Contracts may be cancelled at any time. Please give your contractor as much advance notice as possible.

Where do I go to cancel a contract?

Navigate to the Workforce page, then click Manage Contract on the appropriate person.

Is cancelling a contract the same as cancelling a seat?

No, cancelling a contract vacates the seat. Once a contract is cancelled, you have an empty, available seat, which may then be filled with a replacement candidate, or cancelled entirely.

I cancelled this contract, why am I still being billed for this person?

Our billing cycle runs from Monday - Sunday, and you are invoiced for this time at the very end of the billing period. When a contract is cancelled in the middle of this cycle, you will have one final invoice for that contractor's final hours.

More questions about contracts? Let's talk!
Email, or send us a message through our live-chat channel.

Updated September 2023

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