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Logging & Tracking Work Hours

Follow these steps for an accurate timesheet and paycheck

Garrett Williams avatar
Written by Garrett Williams
Updated over 2 weeks ago

In addition to being a marketplace for remote work, Overpass is also a time tracking tool. As a contractor, logging hours correctly is critical to making sure you get paid accurately each week.

Rather watch than read? Check out our Overpass Time Tracking video on YouTube.

Table of Contents / Quick Links:

Weekly Payment Period

All Overpass contractors are paid on a weekly payment cycle. The schedule is the same for all contractors and clients.

This seven-day payment period begins on Monday and runs through the following Sunday. Payments for those hours are processed on the following Thursday.

Please understand that while Overpass always processes payments on Thursday, the money does not reflect in your account immediately. The timeframe depends on both your payment method as well as current location (some countries simply have faster banking systems than others). For more information on payment methods, please see our Receiving Payments article.

Beginning A Shift

Tracking hours in Overpass is simple and straightforward.

First, log into using your email address and password. You'll need to do this at the beginning of every shift.

On the right side of the Dashboard page, you'll see the name of your current client(s). Click the blue button that says Start Working. (Be careful -- if you're working for more than one company, be sure to click the button that corresponds to the current shift.)

Overpass "Dashboard" page, with blue "Start Working" button highlighted on right side of page.

In the above screenshot, this user is working part-time for two different clients, which is why there are two different Start Working options.

Clicking the Start Working button brings you into the client environment. To "punch in" and officially begin tracking your time, click the blue button on the left side labeled Start Work Session. Now you're on the clock!

After clicking Start Work Session, the page now shows that you have a Work Session In Progress, and will display the exact time your session began:

This contractor is now on the clock.
​This work session began at 11:00 AM and is now in progress.

Please note that the time displayed does not change during your shift -- it will continue to display the start time until the shift is ended.

At this point, you'll open a new tab or window to access any other web sites that are required for your work (CRM software, dialer tool, etc.) Be sure to leave open in the background while you work.

Ending A Shift

At the conclusion of your shift, the first thing to do is log off from all third-party software (CRM, dialer, etc.)

Next, click back to Overpass and click the blue button on the left side, which now reads Stop Work Session.

Blue button reading "Stop Work Session," highlighted in orange.

After you click Stop Work Session, your time has been saved and logged on your Timesheet.

The very last thing you should do is click on your name in the upper right corner, and Log Off, to keep your Overpass account secure.

Spotlight of upper right corner of Overpass, showing "Log Off" option.

Checking Logged Hours

To check or confirm your previously tracked hours, click the Timesheet link, which appears at the top of the client environment.

Banner options in client environment, "Timesheet" link circled in orange.

By default, this page displays your shifts from the current pay period. To look back further, use the Date selector tool on the left side.

Overpass "Timesheet" page with drop-down date selector highlighted in yellow.

Adjusting Logged Hours

If a past shift was not tracked correctly, contractors can use the Timesheet page to make corrections, or manually add a missing shift.

To adjust a shift, first expand that day, using the blue arrow icon on the right. Click the blue "pencil" icon to edit a shift, or the red "trash" icon to delete a previous shift. The large blue Add Session button allows you to add an entirely new shift manually.

Overpass "Timesheet" page, with options for editing, deleting, or adding shifts circled in orange.

Please note that work sessions may only be adjusted or added during the current pay period. After midnight on Sunday (Eastern time), further changes can only be made by the client.

Overpass strongly recommends that all contractors check the Timesheet page at the end of each work week, to confirm that all shifts look correct.

For more details on this process, please see our Adjusting Your Timesheet article.

Tracking Paid Breaks

Some Overpass contracts include paid break time, although most do not. If your current role includes paid break time, that will be clearly shown on your Overpass contract:

Example of Overpass contract that includes paid break times, highlighted in yellow

If your job includes paid break time, this time can be tracked in a very similar way to standard work shifts. Just click Start Break Session instead of Start Work Session. Remember to end your break session once complete!

Image of "Start Break Session" button on Overpass Dashboard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to log into Overpass every day?

Yes, once you are hired by a client, you must log into Overpass at the beginning of every shift to track your hours.

What if my client is using a different time tracking system?

Some clients may choose to use alternate time-clock software in addition to the Overpass tools. You should always follow your client's instructions, but any additional software does not replace the Overpass clock. Your weekly payment is still based on the time logged in Overpass.

I forgot to log a shift, what can I do?

During the current payment period, you can adjust or manually add shifts by clicking the Timesheet link at the top of the client environment.

I received a payment summary email, but the hours are incorrect. How can this be fixed?

By the time you receive the summary email, that invoice has been finalized and can no longer be changed. To correct for any discrepancies, you should speak to your client, and either you or them can manually add time to the following week, to make up the difference. The best way to avoid this happening is to always check your Timesheet at the end of each work week.

I clicked Start Work Session, but the clock time is not updating!

After you click Start Work Session, the page will continue to show you the exact time that the shift began. This will not update during the shift -- it is not meant to be a stopwatch or timer. As long as the page shows Work Session In Progress, your time is being tracked.

I clicked Start Work Session, but received a "not available" error message.

This is minor session error which can occur in rare cases. Simply log out of Overpass, close your browser, then re-open your browser and try again.

The Start Working button on my Dashboard page is inactive. How can I log my hours?

Contractors are not able to access the client environment until the official Start Date shown on the contract offer.

My client has asked me to start working before the contract start date. What can I do?

Once you do have access to the client environment, you'll be able to manually add sessions for previous days. If you need to do a few days of work before the official start date, just track your own time to the best of your ability, and then add those sessions later.

Am I allowed to start work early, or log overtime hours?

All questions regarding work policies should be discussed with your client. Do not assume that overtime is available unless approved by your specific client.

It's Thursday, why haven't I received my payment yet?

Although Overpass processes payments every Thursday, there may be a delay before the funds are reflected in your account. Processing times depend both on your location and your payment method, and occasionally may be affected by holidays or other circumstances beyond our control.

Can I watch a video about time-tracking?

More questions about logging your hours or editing your Timesheet? Let's talk!
Email, or send us a message through our live-chat channel.

Updated March 2025

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